Friday 8 January 2010

Chapter 2

Am I the only orphaned only-child in the world? Obviously not. But maybe I am the only orphaned only-child with both parents still-living and a larger-than-life sibling. That’s more likely. My birth date was Wednesday 15th July 1992: not an auspicious one, given my twin brother’s failure to survive the rigors of the complex birth which had resulted in his self-strangulation. Or was it my umbilical that looped itself fatally around his innocent neck?
Growing up alongside me, in that pink granite villa in that grey coastal town, you would never have guessed I was a severed twin. My incompleteness was never referred to overtly by parents or sibling. They told me nothing - but I knew. The ragged, unspecific hole was deep as a well and full of three-dimensional drifting darkness which never left me alone, night or day. It loomed in and out of my sleep.
When I was born they were at war and they are still fighting their way through life today. It sometimes seems convenient to imagine that all the fighting came from the nascent tragedy - but the world’s not really like that, is it? I rang her the other day and could hear him snapping at her as if I had never been away… ‘fucking bitch’ this and ‘fucking bitch’ that… just as always.
‘Speak to me, Nicu,’ she said breathily into the receiver. ‘Speak to me! Can you not communicate like a proper child? Like your sister does? Where’s your sensitivity? Where’s your empathy? Why have you forsaken me? Was it for this the fucking clay grew tall……?’ Who was she talking to? It wasn’t me, was it? And she wasn’t drunk either. She always talked like that.
‘Let it go, stupid fucking bitch!’ the harsh voice broke in, impatiently. ‘The dice are cast. Leave the bastard be. Tell it to fuck off!’ Now he was talking to me – definitely.
‘We want you to come home, darling…’ she added incongruously, ‘…it’s your time to open like a lovely flower, to flourish like a glade of flowers, to…. grow beautiful for fuck’s sake!’ Well, she clearly was talking to me now.
‘Tell it to fuck off!’ he said. But I had already done that, and they both knew it, however much she pretended on the phone.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Montevarmine di Gabriele Polini - Carassai Marche Rosso "Miro" 2004
Rosso rubino vivace, limpido, consistente. All'olfatto è di notevole intensità e complessità, molto fine per i gratificanti profumi fruttati di marasca, ribes rosso e confettura di prugne ben amalgamati al floreale di rosa e viola. Una lieve e piacevole sfumatura speziata e vegetale di liquirizia e peperone arricchisce e completa il bouquet. Al gusto è secco, fresco, caldo, con tannini decisi e vellutati che ne sottolineano il notevole corpo. Il finale è equilibrato e lungo, sfumato da deliziose note vegetali e balsamiche.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Magical Island Song Chapter 1


The islands sleep, dark and quiet, pretending they have nothing of substance to offer in return for the abeyanced clanking, growling, seething urbanity from which the strangers have escaped. But the islands do sing in their sleep, in an orchestrated, layered series of atonal sweeps which mean something to someone hereabouts, but nothing to the strange children of Mammon who have crept to this jealously-guarded yet much-vaunted secret refuge. They have crept here from their lives of frantic fiduciary activity so that they can liberate a corner of time for reflecting on how damn good their lives are.
These friendly islands appear to live solely for elastic sun-ridden days and the stretched orange-purpled evenings - but in their unlikely reality they only in truth blossom to fullness when the lights go out and the darkness descends. Then the archipelagic equivalent of aurora borealis explodes across the sky, and the influences which are beyond the moneyed classes exert themselves. But these, let's call them south-western lights, aren't the firework type. Let us warn you before we go any further, this idyll can damage your wellbeing. It will if you don't change yourself.
to be continued

Sunday 3 January 2010

LORRIE MOORE - read this


It's new, it's undemonstrative, and it's very very good for navel-gazers like me. The quiet insights offered by this book more than outweigh a dozen bombastic thrillers or conventional romances. She manipulates you surefootedly whilst letting you share intimately in what's going on. No knock-out blows from this book until somewhere through the second half when you suddenly realise that you've been hit by one literary punch after another and the author is about to poleaxe you. And she does. Seriously, in the guise of a slow-moving study of middle-class manners, a really important commentary on life takes shape and eventually emerges. She makes some sense of loss and bewilderment and at least looks at them in the face without drama and wallowing. Wry little nod to Charlotte Bronte at the end should make you smile too.

You can get this in the sale at if, like me, you're better at listening than conventional reading.

Saturday 2 January 2010

Aesthetics as antidote to depression

'What should we do but sing His praise
That led us through the watery maze
Unto an isle so long unknown,
And yet far kinder than our own?
Where He the huge sea-monsters wracks,
That lift the deep upon their backs,
He lands us on a grassy stage,
Safe from the storms' and prelates' rage:
He gave us this eternal Spring
Which here enamels everything,
And sends the fowls to us in care
On daily visits through the air:
He hangs in shades the orange bright
Like golden lamps in a green night...

(original pastel drawing )

There is always a route out of it although most routes are murky. But I'm just aiming to blog my way through mine during 2010 and see what happens - follow if the journey appeals - or dip in maybe. The photo is Grafton Beach, Tobago, through the garden.